Thursday, December 12, 2013

Book Project 1: Divergent

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Book 1 Project: Divergent Videogame

Have you ever read Divergent? Did you wonder what it would be like to live in a society like that? Well now you can experience it, with the Divergent videogame! The videogame also comes with a copy of the second book in the series, Insurgent! In the game, you pick between the characters of Four or Tris. You go through their lives from aptitude test, initiation and fighting the Erudite.

Since there are different characters to choose from, I’ll start by telling you what you will do as Tris. As Tris, you will start by going through her aptitude test and if you do it right, the words from your aptitude tester saying the words, just as in the book, “You are divergent” will lead you to the next thing. The faction choosing is automatic for both Four and Tris to pick Dauntless also like the book.  After the aptitude testing, the faction ceremony video will play, then you will move onto initiation; initiation being how you will become Dauntless and not factionless. As Tris said, “Just like that you could be factionless,” so in the game passing initiation will be hard. You will have to jump off trains and building, fight other initiates, go through fear landscapes, learn to shoot, and learn to throw knives and more. But as you know if you read the book, initiation doesn’t get to finish because of the Erudite’s mind controlling simulation to kill Abnegation. Still as the character of Tris, you will go through her journey of losing friends and family while fighting the Erudite.  The other character you can choose is Four. His and Tris’s characters don’t go through exactly the same thing because he is 18 while she is 16, so he is already past his initiation. As Four, you will be leading the initiation. Telling people what to do and helping people with their initiation tasks, and of course you will have to throw knives at Tris because she had to say, “I’ll take his place” when four had to throw the knives at Al. Though she wants to be dauntless, she can’t help but be abnegation too. We all know that Four goes through his own fear landscape many times, so of course you will have to go through his fear landscape and obviously not fail. Then, like Tris, you will have to go through the journey of fighting the Erudite, but it will be different than Tris’s because different things happened to them in the book. An example of something that will be different is for Four you will have to help him fight his simulation serum and for Tris you will have to fight Four and help him get out of the simulation serum. I would tell more about the differences but I don’t want to give away too much! But one more thing I will tell you is that you will also be able to play out Tris’s and Four’s romance.

This videogame about Divergent will allow the fans to experience the Divergent world. They get to experience the things they wouldn’t be able to experience in real life, such as simulation serums, fear landscapes, living in factions and more! How else would they be able to experience the Divergent world if it’s not even humanly possible? This way they will be able too! The bonus of the game is that you will get a copy of the second book of the series. This way the readers will be able to find out what happens next and see how things unfold (if they haven’t read it already.) They will be able to learn more about the characters and meet new ones. The videogame will also be way for the readers to compare the Divergent book to the Divergent videogame. They will also be able to see similarities and differences! There are also the people haven’t read the book, but buy the game. They might not even know that the game came from a book, so this could introduce them to the series.    

This game will be sold in stores such as GameStop, Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and even online at Amazon! If you don’t want to make a trip to the store all you need to do is go online and order it from Amazon! The game can be played on all Xboxes, including Xbox One. It can also be played on the PS3 and PS4. So if I were you, I would go out and buy the Divergent videogame today!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Book 1: Divergent

   Divergent was overall an amazing book. I’ve already started the third book. Each book is equally amazing. There were lots of plot twists and I really like plot twists in books. I also liked the love story. I’m not a huge fan of romantic stuff and their relationship wasn’t about romance. Cliffhangers were in every chapter that made me want to keep reading. Dystopia is my favorite kind of book and Divergent fits into that category. To be honest, I think the series is better than The Hunger Games. I’m very excited to see the movie when it comes out in March. I like comparing movies to books and that is what I’m going to do with Divergent, but I think the book will be better.

Post 2: What is a book?

A book is an idea. Books have to come from ideas. Without even one single idea, books would not exist. One simple idea can turn into and amazing book. There is always a main idea in the book. If there wasn’t that idea, there wouldn’t be a book. I think it’s crazy how just one little idea can make a whole entire story. An idea opens your imagination to think of even more ideas that go in the book. Traits that many different books possess come from an idea by an author. So the ideas make the book, so isn’t a book an idea? In another sense, a book could be an adventure of an experience. A book can be an adventure because reading that book allows you to think of things you haven’t and may never do. A book can be an experience because you are learning things from that book. Like different themes, words, etc. To be completely honest, I don’t think a book can really be just one thing. I think a book is many different things, but overall books are amazing things. But if you were asked, what would you say a book is?

A big question is if reading actual books or reading on a device is better. My answer is, why does it matter? A book is a book right? Why does it matter what you read it on? You will be reading the same book, you will be reading the same words, whether it’s on a kindle, iPad or a book. What changes other than what object you’re using to read the book? If you ask yourself, what is the difference between reading the actual book or reading the book on a device, what would you say? I say that the differences are that the sizes of the pages could be different and the words could be different sizes. But what does that really affect? In my opinion, it affects nothing. I read actual books and books on devices and I like it both ways. To me it really doesn’t matter. But what would you think?